
[Linux] PDF 문서를 Text 문서로 변환하기

조이풀 라이프 2020. 11. 29. 16:30

pdftotext: Linux / UNIX Convert a PDF File To Text Format

Install pdftotext under RedHat / RHEL / Fedora / CentOS Linux

pdftotext is installed using poppler-utils package under various Linux distributions:


# yum install poppler-utils



OR use the following under Debian / Ubuntu Linux


$ sudo apt-get update -y


$ sudo apt-get install poppler-utils


pdftotext syntax


pdftotext {PDF-file} {text-file}


How do I convert a pdf to text?

Convert a pdf file called hp-manual.pdf to hp-manual.txt, enter:


$ pdftotext hp-manual.pdf hp-manual.txt



Specifies the first page 5 and last page 10 (select 5 to 10 pages) to convert, enter:


$ pdftotext -f 5 -l 10 hp-manual.pdf hp-manual.txt



Convert a pdf file protected and encrypted by owner password:


$ pdftotext -opw 'password' hp-manual.pdf hp-manual.txt



Convert a pdf file protected and encrypted by user password:


$ pdftotext -upw 'password' hp-manual.pdf hp-manual.txt



Sets the end-of-line convention to use for text output. You can set it to unix, dos or mac. For UNIX / Linux oses, enter:


$ pdftotext -eol unix hp-manual.pdf hp-manual.txt
