Google ExoPlayer 소개

IT/Android 2016. 5. 10. 11:25

[설명 슬라이드]


[Github 저장소]



ExoPlayer is an application level media player for Android. It provides an alternative to Android’s MediaPlayer API for playing audio and video both locally and over the Internet. ExoPlayer supports features not currently supported by Android’s MediaPlayer API, including DASH and SmoothStreaming adaptive playbacks. Unlike the MediaPlayer API, ExoPlayer is easy to customize and extend, and can be updated through Play Store application updates.


Read news, hints and tips on the news page.


Using ExoPlayer

Via jCenter

The easiest way to get started using ExoPlayer is by including the following in your project's build.gradle file:

compile ''

where rX.X.X is the your preferred version. For the latest version, see the project's Releases. For more details, see the project on Bintray.

As source

ExoPlayer can also be built from source using Gradle. You can include it as a dependent project like so:

// settings.gradle
include ':app', ':..:ExoPlayer:library'

// app/build.gradle
dependencies {
    compile project(':..:ExoPlayer:library')

As a jar

If you want to use ExoPlayer as a jar, run:

./gradlew jarRelease

and copy library.jar to the libs folder of your new project.

Developing ExoPlayer

Project branches

  • The master branch holds the most recent minor release.
  • Most development work happens on the dev branch.
  • Additional development branches may be established for major features.

Using Android Studio

To develop ExoPlayer using Android Studio, simply open the ExoPlayer project in the root directory of the repository.

ExoPlayer 1.5.0 released

The 1.5.0 release adds multi-track support to ExoPlayer. For each renderer, it’s now possible to query the number of available tracks and their formats using ExoPlayer’s new getTrackCount(int) and getTrackFormat(int, int) APIs. Track selection can be performed using the new setSelectedTrack(int, int) API, and getSelectedTrack(int) can be used to query the current selection for a given renderer.

Other notable improvements in 1.5.0 include smoother format adaptation and support for MP3 media segments in HLS, as well as limited support for multi-period manifests in DASH. The release notes can be found below.

  • Multi-track support.
  • DASH: Limited support for multi-period manifests.
  • HLS: Smoother format adaptation.
  • HLS: Support for MP3 media segments.
  • TTML: Support for most embedded TTML styling.
  • WebVTT: Enhanced positioning support.
  • Initial playback tests.
  • Misc bug fixes.
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조이풀 라이프

Lift is short, enjoy the life


아마존 AWS 시작하기

IT/AWS 2016. 5. 10. 11:11

페이스북에서 AWS를 처음 사용하는 사용자를 위한 좋은 자료를 링크하여 공유합ㄴ디ㅏ.


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조이풀 라이프

Lift is short, enjoy the life


AWS EC2 인스턴스 다른 Region 에 복제/이전

이전 처리 개념

  1. 원본 Region
    1. 실행중인 EC2 instance를 복제
    2. 복제한 instance가 실행되면 중지상태로
    3. 해당 instance의 Volume의 Snapshot 생성
    4. Snapshot 복사메뉴에서 region 선택

  2. 이전받을 Region
    1. 원본에서 복제되어온 Snapshot 으로부터 Volume 생성
    2. 원본 EC2 Instance와 같은 사양으로 Instance 생성 후 중지상태로
    3. Volume 떼어내고 1.의 Volume 붙이기
    4. Instance Start
    5. Instance Running 되면 Public DNS 주소로 접속하여 검증
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조이풀 라이프

Lift is short, enjoy the life
